Friday, August 30, 2013

Prepare for Autumn

Hello Everyone! It's been far too long since I've written. This summer has been an amazing journey of taking summer classes for the first time, expanding my horsemanship skills, watching my husband work hard out in the fields, and preparing for my baby sister's wedding! Talk about a lot going on.

We also had one of the hottest summers in years here in British Columbia. It didn't rain for the entire month of July, and this past week, we finally got some much needed rain. The growing corn is rejoicing. Soon people will be cutting grass, chopping corn and harvesting vegetables here in the valley.

Fall is most definitely my favourite time of the year. It's also one of the busiest times of the year for my family. There's so much that needs to be done at the farm, my husband will be working hard doing custom work and sales, and I will be in school again.

Thankfully, my husband and I were able to get away to Whistler, BC for four days this August. It was a much needed break for both of us and we had so much fun! Here are a few pictures from our trip:

Brandywine Falls. Around 40 minutes outside of Squamish. The span of the falls is over 200 feet, and the culvert that it's in goes much deeper than that! 

One of the lookout points on the Brandywine Falls trail. 

Guinness, fish and chips from our favourite restaurant in Whistler: The Dubh Linn Gate Pub! 

Crankworks was on that week

Hiking at the top of Whistler Mountain. 

Amazing Views! 

In the chateaux at Whistler Mountain. Check out the Olympic Rings

The Peak 2 Peak tour is amazing! Expensive, but worth it. 

A view from Blackcomb Mountain

Stats on the Peak 2 Peak Gondolas. They are an engineering feat! The longest suspended Gondola in the world.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.