Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Simple Living

The more that I "grow up," the more I come to realize just how much life gets in the way of living. There's always errands to be run, something to be fixed, a room that needs to be cleaned, animals that need to be attended to, and that's just life. Yesterday, my husband and I spent two and a half hours filing our tax returns for the year. That's life. I also had to pick up some more groceries to get us by for the week. That's life as well. Then it was off to do my horse chores really quickly before attending a meeting at work. That's life too. 

But what about the living part of it? The part where we relax, and love each other deeply. The part where we listen to those who are older than us tell tales of wisdom and stories of the past. Where is the part where we find refuge from the daily tasks and burdens that weigh us down? Some people would say that relief is only found on Sunday, but why can't it be a small part of every day? I believe that there is a sacred spot in each day, where we find strength and renewal to face the "life" parts of living. 

More often than not, I find peace in being outside, surrounded in all of creation. Just knowing that it was all spoken into being is incredibly fascinating to me. Nature is so complex, yet at the same time so simple. I find solace in my horse. His gentle eyes are calming. I love the stillness of the morning when you're not quite ready to get up yet, but you know that you've been given the gift of another day. I lust after long, hot summer days full of adventures with my horse, and my husband. I cherish every second spent together with our families, gaining wisdom and learning by their great examples. 

Farah. She made everything worth living for
during my teenage years. 

Armstrong, BC. The place where life and living become one

Alfalfa fields 

Bale diamonds. You don't see too many of these anymore. 

Some horses that I met in Kamloops, BC

My baby kitten, Filly. 

A Dock at a lake in Pemberton, BC

A lake in Pemberton, BC 
My goal is to find at least two things about living in all of the life stuff that comes my way. With Easter just around the corner, I'm also reminded about how many life things my Saviour had to endure, yet He could always see the living in it. Maybe some of you will do the same with me. Leave me a comment if you do. 

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