Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Day

Hello! It has been quite a while since I've last written to everybody! It was Father's day this past weekend,(and since we're newlyweds, juggling our first Father's Day as a married couple was quite tiring!)  and over the course of a couple weeks, I've been planning out our camping trip. We leave July 2. I'll have many awesome pictures from that trip! I've also been trying to get a saddle fitter out for my horse. (It's funny how nervous I get about calling to get information about things that I don't know! I sometimes literally will panic! Leave me a comment if you sometimes feel that way too when you have an issue to sort out that involves a bit of work!) Then after that, it's training time for him! I just wanted to share a couple things with you today

Now, this is something that I'm CONSTANTLY working on trying to do. More often than I'd like to admit, I'm not very good at choosing to feed my faith first, but I'll keep trying to! 

Darling, you have so much more ahead of you. Look to the past for reassurance of how His plan always worked for your greater good, and then expectantly hope for what God is yet to do! 

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