Friday, May 18, 2012

Down to My Last Dollar

After a very long day of being up early, having a tutoring session for math, running some errands, doing some more math, stopping by the farm, and going to work, I still had to fuel up my car. It is 9:00 at night and I don't feel like it. My week has been busy. My husband has been working hard. The absolute last thing that I want to do on my way home from work is to stop at the Esso gas station that's on the corner of my block (that's so weird for a country girl to even fathom!) stand outside and fuel up my car. But I have to. I have to work all weekend (try Tuesday through Sunday shifts...they're fun!) I wouldn't normally say yes to covering extra shifts this weekend, but one of my co-workers really needs the time off more than I do.

So I debate: to fuel up, or not to fuel up. Before I know it, I'm in the Esso parking lot, pulling out my debit card, and purchasing $40 worth of fuel. Nothing more, nothing less. But somehow, I ended up with more. Five cents more to be exact. And I was fascinated by what I discovered on my receipt:

INTERAC: $40.00

Forgiven. The word forgiven. Nowhere on the receipt did it say the words like, still owing, pending, added to, obligated to pay, or outstanding. Simply forgiven. A sweet moment of grace. Knowing that I was forgiven of this simple five cents humbled me right there on the spot. If anyone could have seen into my heart this week, they wouldn't have wanted to forgive me for some of the things that I've harboured up inside. Things like distrust, moments of uncertainty and doubt. Jealousy may have snuck its way in for a time or two. All things that make it seem like I owe more. I need to do more. I need to become better. I owe people my time. People owe me their time. But I am forgiven. I was bought at a price (for definitely more than five cents!) and I am free. All because of someone's solitary choice to cover it for me.

Absolved. Clear. Bearing no malice. Not owing a single thing. Free, whole, loved, redeemed.

Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Luke 7:48

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