Monday, May 21, 2012

The Sun Can't Shine Every Day

 Today is a rainy day. It's also my glorious day off. I used to love rainy days down at the farm. The horses would be all cozy in their stalls, contentedly munching on their hay, the tin roof on the garage would echo each raindrop, the house would be warm, and coffee would always be on. The house would be loud, since all of the kids are cooped up inside. Soup would be the typical hot lunch for a rainy day. You would hurry to get all of your outside chores done. Typically, I would steal a barn jacket from my dad, put on my Muckboots and do my chores. This is what my rainy day looks like now that I live in town: 

The kittens love the sound of the rain

Rainy days in town consist of being inside, watching tv, tidying up the house, and maybe running some errands, and settling in with a good book. It's also a day to find some primitive inspiration:

A lovely barred rock hen

Old barns are the best inspiration

Chillin' on a dirt road 

Someday, I will own a piece of property with an old barn on it

Gorgeous old farm house. This place must have housed
many a farm worker, and has such an amazing story hidden
in its walls.

I also discovered this awesome, and incredibly talented lady through her Facebook page. Her name is Erin Ehnle. I love all of her work. Check it out here: 

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